I do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of this State, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office in and for the Township of Crystal, according to the best of my ability.
SUPERVISOR: Lee Hyslop, elected 616-240-4706
email: lhyslop53@gmail.com
Agenda Requests; Road Complaints
CLERK: Bethany Seymour, elected 231-855-2065
email: bseymour@crystaltownship.org
Accounts Payable; Cemetery Management, Elections Info
TREASURER: Catherine Walker, elected 231-742-1798
email: cwalker@crystaltownship.org
Transfer Site Card purchases at Hall on Saturdays 9 to Noon and Wednesdays 2p-6p Property Tax Payments; Town Hall Reservations. Website additions/corrections
TRUSTEE: Jon Stevenson, elected 312-933-2187
email: jrrs76@yahoo.com
TRUSTEE: Kyle Oomen, elected 231-923-9045
email: oomenk_hart@hotmail.com
Marcos Seymour 231-855-2070
Judy Kokx 231-450-2673
Rick Greiner 231-742-2148
Jon Stevenson 312-933-2187
Paul Hamlin 873-4425
Rick Greiner, Planning Comm. Rep 231-742-2148 appointed until 8/2022
Karen Derby 231-873-5131 appointed until 8/2020
ALTERNATES: Travis Johnson 231-923-6768 appointed until 7/2019
The Crystal Township Board of Review will meet on Monday, March 10, 2025 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm and Wednesday March 12 from 3:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the Crystal Township Hall
Michael Beach, Assessor 866-921-9293
email: beach@michiganassessor.com
Paul Oomen, Chairperson 231-923-6626
Nick Oomen 231-923-6421
Ron Smith 231-742-1313
Lee Hyslop 616-240-4706
Twp. Supervisor Rep.
Crystal Township, Oceana County, Michigan
1499 East Hammett Hart, MI 49420