Township Hall Policy of October, 2005 Revised January 24, 2020
All use of the Township hall by any person or group must be approved in advance by any Crystal Township Board Member, and the date of use posted on the calendar, on the bulletin board. The reservation calendar is held by the Township Treasurer, call for availability.
I. The Township Hall will be available to a township resident (sponsor) for an “open to the public” group meeting (such as weddings, receptions, showers, graduation parties, church groups, and other similar meetings) at no cost to the resident or the group having the meeting. An “open to the public” meeting would be described as a meeting generally known by any township resident as a meeting that they could attend if they so desired. This allowed “open to the public” meeting must comply with the following rules:
1. This allowed “open to the public” meeting will be limited to no more than 45 people.
2. This allowed “open to the public” meeting will be for no more than 4 hours in total length unless permission in advance by township supervisor, treasurer, or clerk.
3. The sounds from this “open to the public” meeting will not be able to be heard by a person standing outside in the center of Hammett Rd.
4. The hall must be cleaned after the meeting and set up, as the hall was before the meeting.
5. This meeting can be attended by anyone who desires attendance provided that the number in number 1 above is not exceeded.
6. At no time will anyone attending this meeting go into the office part of the township hall.
7. No parking is allowed in front of the fire barn.
8. No use of alcohol, illicit drugs, nicotine, marijuana or vaping of any type is allowed on township property.
9. Guests of the user must be out of the hall by 9:00 PM unless permission in advance by the township supervisor, treasurer, or clerk.
10. Hall must be cleaned, swept and ready for lock up by the user by 9:30 PM or before, unless permission in advance by the township supervisor, treasurer, or clerk. The key shall then be deposited by the user in the drop box located between the Township Hall and Fire Department Building.
11. No more than five cars allowed to be parked in front of the hall. The front lot must be available for fire department emergency use. In case of a fire department call out, it is possible that cars parked in front will be blocked in. Parking for more than five cars is available behind the township hall.
12. The user of the township hall and property is responsible for the cost of repair or replacement of any damage to the township hall or any township property.
13. All garbage or trash from user must be removed from the township property by the user.
14. No tables or chairs can be taken outside unless permitted in advance by the supervisor, treasurer, or clerk and be protected from the weather by a tent or some other cover. Tables & chairs are not to be used out of the township.
15. Doors will generally be kept closed during use.
16. If hall is not cleaned and ready for lock up by the user, by 9:30 PM, a $40.00 clean up charge will be charged to the user.
If this allowed “open to the public” meeting at any time does not comply with any of the above rules, this allowed meeting will no longer be allowed, will immediately adjourn and vacate the property, and the township resident “sponsor” and /or group using the township hall will not be allowed to use the township hall for any other future meeting(s) by the same group.
II. The Township Hall will be available to a township resident (sponsor) for a “closed to the public” group meeting (a meeting that only certain people are allowed to attend, or if a profit is being made by the resident or sponsor) at a cost to the resident or the group, of $25.00 per meeting. A “closed to the public” meeting would be that not anyone and everyone are welcome to attend. This allowed “closed to the public” meeting must comply with all the above rules.
If this allowed “closed to the public” meeting at any time does not comply with any of the above rules, this allowed “Closed to the public” meeting will no longer be allowed, will adjourn, and vacate the property, and the township resident “sponsor” will not be allowed to use the township hall for any other future meeting(s) by the same group.
The above rules are subject to change at any township board meeting.
Signature, Township Official Date
User Name Printed and Signature Date
Crystal Township, Oceana County, Michigan
1499 East Hammett Hart, MI 49420